Sunday, August 1, 2010

A few wrongs can sometimes equal a right..

As one could probably tell from my last post, I was pretty lonely last night. Missing my friends and family has become a constant issue of mine, one that has been bringing me down as of late. I can feel the desolation within me and how it has been diminishing my life light.

This will not do.

I have been bouncing around from church to church for the past few months. I thought I'd found the one for me on a few occasions, but there was always something that just didn't feel quite right. I'm a baby Christian and I am the first to admit that I don't know a whole lot about my Heavenly Father or His word. However, I am an eager student and I've been on a 'spiritual quest' for the perfect 'home' since leaving the BESTCHURCHFAMILYEVER at Grace Harbor.

I digress..

So in my bought of self pity last night, I began searching online for churches around the area. Honestly fearing that I would never find a 'home' like I'd found in Sitka's Grace Harbor, I was feeling pretty meek about my quest. I found one that looked like a winner and Mapquested the directions. Now, I can find my way through the woods like nobody's business. I can read a relief map fairly well and my sense of 'place' is generally pretty good. That being said, I got lost. Church was supposed to start at 9:30am and it was already a quarter til. I was reduced to tears.. again. Bowing my head in defeat, I turned around and headed home.

And then... it struck me. I needed pineapple.

I go grocery shopping pretty regularly. There are two routes to the store I generally shop at. One is the main entrance, the other drives me past the Church at LifePark. It is a beautiful building, one that I pass and think 'Wow. That is a beautiful building.' Anyway, it's relatively new in town, having just opened its doors... (wait for it..)... in March of 2010!! I just moved here in March of 2o1o! Had He put this church here for me? Was I simply missing the big picture? Driving past the building twice a week at least, and reveling in it's beauty, yet not going inside? C'mon now! Get with it, Kathryn!

I just returned from a service that rivals what I had back home. It was MAGNIFICENT. It shook me to my core and tickled me down to my roots. It kicked me in the butt. Just what I had been praying for.

I know the power of prayer. I know that the answers aren't always what I want them to be, what I expect them to be. I know that if I continue to be obedient and loving and am able to admit my wrongdoings, that I will be blessed with His love and the love of my family and friends.

I know that sometimes, more often than not in my case, it takes getting a little bit lost in order to find out exactly where you're supposed to be.

** Also!! Checked #13 off of my Charleston To-Do list!! Yay!

1 comment:

  1. I so love you! And I'm so happy that you've found a new church-niche! I love your humble and willing spirit....and I know God does, too.
